The Story behind
Isabel Jamaldeen

Jewellery has always been my passion. I started Isabel Jamaldeen Fine Jewels over 15 years ago when I was living in London. My husband is Sri Lankan and from a family of gem miners. This offered me the great opportunity of being right at the source of beautiful gemstones, both precious and semi-precious. Sri Lanka is recognized for her density of gemstones, and world renowned for her exquisite blue sapphires. I started my own workshop in order to have total control of the manufacturing and hand-making process of each and every bespoke piece of fine jewellery for my clientele. Over the years I have been able to offer my clients a direct link to unearthed gems and a highly personalized involvement in the design of their precious jewellery. Every piece of jewellery that I designed and hand-made so far has its own amazing story. I love working closely with people who have a love of and appreciation for timeless fine pieces that give joy over generations. I want my clients to express their individuality through each piece I create, thereby adding layers of dimension and history to each wearable work of art.